The American Dairy Coalition applauds Congressman Fred Keller on his recently introduced bill designed to foster a taste for milk in children by offering an expanded variety of dairy products, including 2% and Whole fat milk, to participants of the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC).

The bill, officially titled, “Giving Increased Variety to Ensure Milk into the Lives of Kids (GIVE MILK) Act,” would expand WIC offerings. The American Dairy Coalition and the dairy producers we represent across the nation are thankful Congressman Keller is dedicated to ensuring nutritionally at-risk Americans have the ability to choose what dairy products fit the taste preferences of their families.

The WIC program provides federal grants to states for supplemental foods, nutritional education and other support for low-income pregnant or postpartum women as well as caregivers of children under 5. This program helps put good nutrition in the hands of children, and it is vital it include the dairy industry’s best tasting products — full fat dairy! Whole milk provides a nutritionally dense, affordable and accessible complete source of protein that children love. Science shows consumption of these products promotes a healthy weight in both children and adults and fends of chronic diseases.

The American Dairy Coalition supports the work of Congressman Keller to put whole milk back in the hands of children across the country. More initiatives such as the GIVE MILK Act are necessary to change the antiquated and unscientifically based notion that saturated fats are dangerous to public health. We encourage all members of the dairy industry to not only support the GIVE MILK Act, but also encourage their legislators to urge the Dietary Guidelines for Americans also be updated to remove caps on saturated fats, allowing once more the choice of whole milk in public schools. Children deserve the best — let’s give them whole milk!

Nada melhor do que a experiência no campo para proporcionar a um fazendeiro uma compreensão completa do que é necessário para ter sucesso na pecuária leiteira. Indo um passo além, a fazendeira e mentora Judy Stuart acredita que dar aos jovens fazendeiros exposição internacional é o que realmente os prepara para o sucesso.

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