New Zealand's first carbon-zero milk launched on Tuesday.
The product is the first of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere . Photo credit: Supplied

A collaboration between Fonterra and Foodstuffs North Island, Simply Milk was certified carbon-zero through the purchasing of carbon credits from Toitū Envirocare, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research.

The product is the first of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere and one of just a handful worldwide.

Becky Lloyd, chief executive of Toitū Envirocare, said the certification comes after an analysis took into account the carbon footprint of producing the milk.

“First, we evaluate the carbon emissions of making Simply Milk. Right from the farm via store fridge to the customer’s home – the footprint includes farming, production, distribution as well as eventual consumption and disposal,” said Lloyd.

“Fonterra and Foodstuffs North Island then worked with Toitū to identify projects to offset the emissions.”

Carolyn Mortland, director of global sustainability at Fonterra, said the milk will support the regeneration of 7.5 square kilometres of native forest near Kaikoura, as well as renewable energy programmes in overseas markets where Fonterra sells its products.

Nada melhor do que a experiência no campo para proporcionar a um fazendeiro uma compreensão completa do que é necessário para ter sucesso na pecuária leiteira. Indo um passo além, a fazendeira e mentora Judy Stuart acredita que dar aos jovens fazendeiros exposição internacional é o que realmente os prepara para o sucesso.

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