OPINION: Vegans take note, a report published by the UK Sustainable Food Trust not only implicitly challenges the assumption that veganism and environmentalism work in symbiosis, it tacitly suggests that the two movements are in actual conflict with each other.

It calls upon vegans to stop drinking soy milk in order to ‘save the planet’, and that milk from cows – especially cows grazed on grass rather than imported soya beans – is much better for a sustainable planet.

“Vegans and others who buy milk substitutes are also harming the planet. They would do better to switch to milk from cows…if they want to help make a more sustainable planet,” the report states.

Global production of soya beans and has doubled over the past 20 years and continues to rise, suggesting this wrong-headed thinking is catching on.

Vegans might want to take a closer look at the true ‘greenness’ of their soya-based sausages and burgers too!

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Fonterra has copped a serve for allowing non-farming jobs on its Farm Source platform.

Milking It hears that one complainant contacted the cooperative asking why it wasn’t monitoring the Farm Source job site, noting that there was a surge in non-farming jobs advertised on a site surely intended for farmers.

The co-op admits there were a number of non-farming jobs posted, but says they have all now been taken down. “We are investigating how this is happening to ensure we prevent it from continuing to occur,” says a Fonterra statement.

The Farm Source platform is only accessible by Fonterra shareholders, raising the question, how did these non-farming jobs get posted in the first place. With the industry looking to fill a huge labour shortage, the only jobs this site should display are dairy jobs.


While not wanting to spend too much time sympathising with Aucklanders, Milking It can’t avoid noting how absurd it is that our biggest city has been drenched with rain over recent weeks, yet its dams were run so low, residents still aren’t allowed to use their garden hoses and are still asked to keep showers short.

This failure to plan far enough ahead to ensure infrastructure keeps up with population growth is a symptom of the short-termism that has long infected NZ government, at a national and local level.

Whether it is roads, ports, zoning or water storage, the failure to plan ahead is evident throughout the country.

The solution is harder to find than the problem, but could include longer election cycles, a full overhaul of the RMA, and a better standard of public servant!

A Nova Zelândia deu início à temporada de laticínios com um impulso impressionante, provavelmente contribuindo com uma quantidade substancial de oferta para o mercado, de acordo com a Westpac NZ.

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